In the Stable

The full, pale moon lit up the yard,
so we didn’t need the flashlights for the time being.
There was no dog at the door
and there was no light.
However, there was no car in the driveway.
So, we went straight to the stable door.
We stopped for a moment
but no sound was heard
except for the wailing of the pigs in the pen.
We carefully opened the big gate,
that not locked
but only ajar.
We pushed one wing open just far enough
that we could slip through.
A breathtaking stench hit us,
and I was afraid of fainting.
But I pulled myself together.
Now wasn’t the time
to be weak.


The Mechanization of the Uterus

Christian sat down on the couch. Martinique to the ground. She always did that when she wanted to think freely. connectedness. Even if it was just the floor of a room.
„It used to be a mystery, a secret,“ Martinique began to share herself and her thoughts, „Then people discovered the mystery, demystified it. We now know about the connections and the process.”
„It’s wonderful to know,“ said Christian.
„Of course, it is,“ affirmed Martinique, „But what has been done with the knowledge? The female animal was degraded to the living brood chamber in which the fetus or embryo matured. The normal process of pregnancy and childbirth was snatched from her and subjected to technology. So, to a male domain. The baby to the product and property of the creator of the technique. Ultrasound is used to observe how it develops, the birth under the guidance of a doctor to a process that no longer requires the intervention of the birthing machine. You know better.”
„But modern medicine has also helped many,“ Christian interjected.


Happy Mothers Day

When Stella came to me that morning and greeted me happily as always, I already noticed her restlessness, but also the anticipation of what was to come. It was her first child.

„I’m sure you’ll do well,“ I whispered in her ear.


Day of the Mother

Mother’s Day – Mother’s Day, her special day
Breakfast is made for her, optionally brought to bed
Ham roll, soft egg, coffee with milk
„How nice it is to have my children around me,“ she thinks,
“To be with each other, maybe we will go on a trip”.
And while she is allowed to be a mother
i.e. being allowed to be with her children,
does she not think about it
that there are millions of mothers in the world
where the togetherness at this very moment
is denied with their children,
forced to give birth
never be allowed to be mothers
for ham roll, soft egg and coffee with milk.


Because it does Matter

It was one of those days when I couldn’t cope with life. This is not unusual any more. Not at all remarkable. It happens to me, sometimes. But this time I had a reason. Even one that others would accept that you can’t get on with life. At least as long as the others are not one of the strictest, who have such a well-intentioned and unnecessary “pull yourself together” in their standard repertoire and who cheer anyone who wants to hear it. Even those who don’t want to hear it. But my reason was damn good. I saw my marriage go down the drain, and just as it is impossible to make the water suddenly flow uphill, so it was impossible to reverse it again. Or is it? Had I really tried everything?


World Milk Day

This year marks the 63rd World Milk Day in over 30 countries, which was launched by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) and the International Dairy Association (IDF). The reason for the introduction was to boost milk consumption. To achieve this goal, i.e. ultimately more profit, every means is right for you. Consumers have been lied to for decades and these lies are often spread by the addressees without having checked it or even thinking about it. It is good and right to form your opinion and not trust blindly, especially since you should always be suspicious when it comes to solid financial interests. Nonetheless, this maturity suddenly stops with such topics and those who try to uncover the truth are attacked.
