With open Eyes

With open eyes you can see
the deception that lies behind the beautiful pictures,
the betrayal that is done to us with smiling faces,
the audacity that the beautiful facades convince us of,
so that we don’t see behind them,
don’t tear up the pictures,
don’t open the gates and doors,
behind which the suffering and pain,
the brutality and exploitation are hidden,
in the houses and rooms,
the backyards and gardens,
the stables and laboratories,
the kennels and cages,
because with open eyes it is difficult not to see.

With open hands we grasp
what is being withheld from us,
the hand of the sick who has been left out,
the shoulder of the lonely who no one wants,
the arm of the drowning in the sea of the loneliness,
the small, crying back of the child who no one wants,
to stroke the cheek of the wounded by life,
so that we do not actively support,
the suffering and those tormented by pain,
the lonely and rejected,
the unlovable and rebellious,
to fight with them, if necessary with a clenched fist,
against a system that destroys us,
that in its individualization madness elevates loneliness to a virtue,
in its consumer madness suggests that only having counts,
in its destructive madness conjures up war of everyone against everyone,
as if it were in the nature of animals, including ours,
tearing down the illusions of unnecessary, senseless busyness,
because with open hands it is difficult not to help.

With an open mind, you understand
that the words that tell us
that we should go about our work more calmly,
that the others, those at the top, the politicians, the doers,
will take care of things, are all lies,
that the phrases on posters, in advertisements, in election manifestos,
are nothing but empty phrases that are meant to calm us down,
Valium for the people,
because religion no longer works,
because science is accessible to everyone,
because knowledge can no longer be withheld,
only the interpretation is still controlled by hegemony,
and then we realize that the dominant narrative of submission to capital,
to the compulsion of the same, meaningless busyness,
under the thumb of the hegemonic interpretation of life,
has nothing in common with us anymore,
because with an open mind, it is difficult not to understand.

With open eyes, it is difficult not to see.
With open hands, it is difficult not to help.
With open minds it is difficult not to understand.

It is fortunate for the power elite
that so many refuse to open their eyes,
because with closed eyes
it is easy not to see and to believe
what is shown to you,
to remain fixated on it,
on the feigned harmony and the illusion of togetherness,
the smiling faces that suggest that they want the best for us,
the happy creatures that supposedly have something like a life,
because with closed eyes it is easy not to see.

It is fortunate for those in power
that so many refuse to open their hands,
because with closed hands it is easy not to help,
not to take the hand of the stumbling,
to protect them from falling,
not to embrace the shoulder of the weeping,
to withhold help from those who are supposedly to blame for their misfortune,
to refuse support,
because it is up to each of us to trigger
the anger, the misery, the embarrassment, the poverty, illness, the desolation in us,
because with closed hands it is easy not to help.

It is fortunate for the hegemonic opinion makers
that so many refuse to open their minds,
because with closed minds it is easy not to understand,
that they insist on what was once drummed into them at school,
the all-encompassing explanation that they are supposed to keep,
that they do not question what is nothing more than a distraction,
that they do not think of trusting their own thoughts
when they deviate from what has been indoctrinated,
that they do not dare to emancipate themselves from a mental block,
because with closed minds it is easy not to understand.

With closed eyes it is easy not to see.
With closed hands it is easy not to help.
With closed minds it is easy not to understand.

And what do you think?
Do you remain obedient,
keeping your eyes, hands and thoughts closed,
or do you dare to open your eyes to see, even if it hurts,
open your hands to help, even if it makes you angry,
open your mind to understand, even if you despair?

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